Wednesday, May 4, 2016

[Salesforce / Lightning Connect] Lightning Connect Custom Adapters and MongoDB (DML support) pt.2

Do you remember the Lightning Connect Custom Adapters and MongoDB post?

Things have changed after that post and finally the platform supports all DML statements: insert, update and delete!

To make the magic work I had to make:

Follow the post instructions to setup up your Heroku app.

The core changes are the support for the methods.

Open the MongoDBDataSrouceProvider.cls class:

override global List getCapabilities() {
 List capabilities = new List();
 //new capabilities added

 return capabilities;

The provider has been added with more capabilities, CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE.

Let's open the MongoDBDataSourceConnectio.cls class and look at the 2 new methods:

global override List<DataSource.UpsertResult> upsertRows(DataSource.UpsertContext context) {
    List<DataSource.UpsertResult> results = new List<DataSource.UpsertResult>();
    List<Map<String, Object>> rows = context.rows;
    Http h = new Http();
    for(Integer i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){
        Map<String,Object> row = rows[i];
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        Map<String,Object> invoice = new Map<String,Object>();
        invoice.put('accountid', row.get('Account'));
        invoice.put('contractid', row.get('Contract'));
        invoice.put('created', row.get('CreatedDate'));
        invoice.put('amount', row.get('Amount'));
        invoice.put('description', row.get('Description'));
        HttpResponse response = h.send(request);
        List<Object> mList = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
        Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>)mList[0];
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200){
            String objId = String.valueOf(m.get('_id'));
                objId = String.valueOf(row.get('ExternalId'));
        else {
                String.valueOf(row.get('ExternalId')), 'The callout resulted in an error: ' + response.getStatusCode()+' - '+response.getBody()));
    return results;

global override List<DataSource.DeleteResult> deleteRows(DataSource.DeleteContext context) {
    List<DataSource.DeleteResult> results = new List<DataSource.DeleteResult>();
    Http h = new Http();
    for (String externalId : context.externalIds){
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();

        HttpResponse response = h.send(request);
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200
            || response.getStatusCode() == 201){
        else {
                String.valueOf(externalId), 'The callout resulted in an error: ' + response.getStatusCode()+' - '+response.getBody()));
   return results;

WARNING: this code is not optimized for bulk upsert/delete because it makes a callout for every record.

It's a proove of concept, so I challenge you to bulkify the class!

How can you insert an external object provided by a Lightning Connect adapter?

The Database class has been provided with new methods:

  • deleteAsync
  • insertAsync
  • updateAsync

These methods are used to make the calls to the remote system and actually do the work!

Database.insertAsync(new List<MongoDB_Invoice__x>{
    new MongoDB_Invoice__x(Amount__c=1, Description__c ='Async Test 1'),
    new MongoDB_Invoice__x(Amount__c=2, Description__c ='Async Test 2')
Database.deleteAsync([Select Id From MongoDB_Invoice__x Where Description__c = 'Async Test 1']);

Every method has an alternative method that provides a callback class, which allows to make further actions after the records are upserted/deleted.

For instance, the asyncUpdate has an optional second parameter of type Database.AsyncSaveCallback that can be created to execute some logic after a specific record is done (the class is called every time a record is updated).

Every asyncDML method returns a List of Database.DeleteResult or Database.SaveResult that contains a link to the asynchrounous operation that can be retrieved by calling the Database.getAsyncLocator(result) method and passing the value to the Database.getAsyncSaveResult(asyncLocator) or Database.getAsyncDeleteResult(asyncLocator): this way you can get the status of the asynchronous operation.

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